====================================== Examine global climate engineering! Let us examine the topic by first observing the resutls. Please look at these maps and als look around and find more sites by Yourself, before reading on. Fracking in Arabia! https://www.google.de/maps/@27.2527475,48.9829131,11323a,35y,37.86t/data=!3m1!1e3 And industrial farming in the same desert of Arabia! https://www.google.de/maps/@22.3246257,28.4927778,45447a,35y,36.05t/data=!3m1!1e3 So please tell me that water is not needed for these huge industrial farms in the midst of the desert. https://www.google.de/maps/@19.6759398,44.8652176,22522a,35y,37.1t/data=!3m1!1e3 Poor and rich on #water! http://geoarchitektur.blogspot.com/2016/09/wasserarmut-und-wasserreichtum.html ====================================== Explaining the notions: Chemtrails, SAI, TAI, SRM! The word "chemtrails" is an abbreviation for "chemical trails" used by the US Air Force. For military, they use it to create layers of artificial smog, for example to cover fighter jets from enemy air defense systems on the ground or to hide own activities from enemy satellites. It is also used to create walls of artificial fog to hide battle ships on the sea. When You research, You will find a lot of historic documentation about that. For geoengineering they use the acronym SRM for Solar Radiation Management, but they claim to implement it with Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI). You can find this on thousands of geoengineering publications. However, there is a distracting lie in that. Aerosol injection can only be done where You find water! 99% of all atmospheric water exists only in the troposphere and about 80% of all atmospheric mass also. Please research this by Yourself. SRM with SAI severs as distraction and plausible denial scheme! #Distraction! http://geoarchitektur.blogspot.com/2017/01/distraction-ablenkung.html #Plausible #Deniability! http://geoarchitektur.blogspot.com/2017/01/plausible-deniability.html So evidently, if we talk about artificial aerosols, that can only be applied within the troposphere, Therefore the correct naming is Tropospheric Aerosol Injection. Climate control is the wording of CIA. They use it in their 1960 memorandum, which is the kickstarter document of the project, which was declassified in 2013 and officially available on their website. Link is in the following article. 1960, #CIA Memorandum on #ClimateControl! http://geoarchitektur.blogspot.com/2017/02/1960-cia-memorandum-on-climate-control.html Water grabbing by regional climate engineering was applied, after the experiences the during WWII, since the 1940s. Since 1960 it was developed for broader use. Since the 1990s it is applied globally. The climate conferences are organized to give a legal foundation for Climate Control, because it cannot be limited to national borders. Global climate engineering changes the climate the weather, the amount of oxygen in air, the environment and life. It has already a dangerous impact. They want not apply climate engineering against global warming, but they invented man made global warming to legalize climate engineering. Please take more time, read, research, think and get Your own results. 😊 ====================================== Maybe You should answer some questions for Yourself! 1. Do You know the basics of meteorology? 2. Do You know that "PeakOil" would endanger "energy security", without fracking of oil and gas? 3. Do You accept fracking for "energy security"? 4. Is it ok for You when fracking is not done in Your country, but it is done in Libya, Arabia, Haiti, Australia etc. 5. If that is the case, do You also agree to deliver water for fracking by climate engineering to these places? 6. Do You understand how climate control works? 7. Do You know what Tropospheric Aerosol Injection means? ====================================== Rise of fracking , desert farming, "cheap airlines"! The fracking industry rose the last 30 years in the USA, but also all over the world. The offshore-drilling, the fracking in Bahrain, now in Libya, India, Algeria, Europe etc. etc. is all done by fracking. With fracking the USA revived their dead mineral oil-gas industry. The same applies for the Arabs. Their industry was not dead but, they were running against the wall of PeakOil. Now with fracking this problem doesn’t exist. If they would not frack in Arabia, Africa and America, the consumers would depend on Venezuela, Russia and Iran, which have less problems with PeakOil. The problem is the water delivery to the deserts. Water-pipelines are very costly and water have to be bought from countries like Turkey, Russia and Iran and cross the national territorries of many other countries, which request transit fees. Bringing it by air solves many problems, but it is also illegal, as these streams have to cross the national airspaces of many countries. But for airspace there are already some international regulations and there are no measures against tankers, declared as civil passenger jets, which may spread aerosol building fine dust particles. In addition to that, international “climate aggreement” and bilateral “climate agreements” are signed, to regulate the transit and distribution of water. Please just read the memorandum of CIA from 1960 and You will understand everything. Consider the whole "climate change", "global warming", "saving the climate" hysteria as a marketing campaign to legalize global climate engineering and full control on the water and carbon cycles! ======================================

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